Island Ghost StoriesLet’s get one thing straight, the weather in Barbados doesn’t change much, but that never stops us from getting into the fall spirit and celebrating! Locals have adopted common traditions like lavish costume parties, traditional apple bobbing, and candy driven trick-or-treating. However, if you really want to get into the festive mood, Barbados style, check out these spooky ghost stories:

Fisherpond Great House – This old plantation home has over 350 years of history and many ghosts to prove it. The most notable spirit is a young girl by the name of Violet, who tragically drowned in the pond many years ago. At times, guests have been playfully locked in the bathroom and the owners claim to hear phantom glasses clinking with mysterious footsteps. That’s enough to have us believing in ghosts and running for the door!

The Chase Mausoleum at the Christ Church Cemetery – It doesn’t take much to give us goosebumps in a cemetery, however, these stories are down right terrifying! In a locked vault on the property, it’s said that the coffins rearrange themselves at night. Even the the Governor of Barbados had to step in and seal the vault. After nine months, when the vault was opened, the coffins had rearranged themselves. Wanna visit on Halloween? No thanks! We like it better with a Halloween inspired cocktail on the beach.